
Senior Cap & Gown Pictures are November 28th. Please note the following

  • We have caps & gowns (& bow ties) for use that day. Nothing needs to be brought.
  • You MUST come during your scheduled English class time.  There are NO MAKE UPS so make sure you are in your English/Technical Writing class on time.
    • If you are late to school and miss your English class, you have missed your opportunity for this picture.  We suggest you do your hair and make up very early in the morning so you are on time to school at 8:30 sharp.
  • Dress code: The gowns are not super thick and the flash photography may cause printed or light colored clothing to show through the gown. Please wear:
    • Girls: Solid, dark (black or navy) clothing. 
    • Boys: Wear a white button down shirt with a collar and dark pants. Last year, we had the boys wear a bow tie so white collared shirts are critical.
    • Both:  Your shoes will NOT be in the picture so regular comfortable shoes are fine.